Pet Care

Little girl saves Dolph, a huge stray dog who was only looking for love


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A Heartwarming Rescue: Little Girl Saves Dolph, the Gentle Giant

A little girl named Georgia provided a heart-warming case for the strong, unadulterated bond that exists between humans and animals by way of an ample stray dog named Dolph. It is in a small neighborhood where the story develops so great and kind, but when courage meets compassion.

The Encounter

During one summer afternoon, on losing her way in the vicinity Dolph was discovered by the little girl. Dolph was a giant figure with his large, sad eyes and the stories of hardship buried in that coat; he had an intimidating presence. But this courageous little girl took one look at that old man, and she saw past his justus-size body…Open heart searching for love hostess…

An Instant Connection

Dolph may have been a giant, but he had the sweetest disposition. The girl slowly made her way closer, noticing the sadness in his eyes that mirrored an unspoken desire for attention with every step she took. She quickly saw that, behind his gruff exterior, beat the heart of a lost soul and empathized with him. She stepped in and won his confidence with a few kind words and some treats, connecting them instantly.

The Journey Begins

The girl, not one to leave her new friend left in the lurch rallied up an icebox from within the family race headquarters and set about rescuing said scaly fiend. They called some local rescue groups, and eventually talked with some veterinarians to get an idea of how one would care for a dog as large (and small) like Dolph. Thanks to her parents and their community, they were able to get Dolph somewhere warm that was full of love vs. what life is like on the streets.

A New Home for Dolph

After being treated for all of his health issues, it didn't take Dolph long to acclimate himself in his new home. The young girl had lovingly assumed the role of his carer. She played with him for hours after school every day, brushing his fur and sneaking out all of her snack foods. Dolph went from a lonely stray to the happiest little dog on earth — it was as if he'd been begging for love all this time

Lessons Learned

Don´t miss this tender story, is not only a recovery but a recognition of the kindness and love one person can change in an animals life. Most importantly, though a young girl, she learned empathy and obligation — that if someone honestly needs help giving them another chance maybe be exactly what they need.


The transition Dolph makes from the streets to a loving home is an example that love breaks all boundaries. Not only that the little girl change his life as for saving him, but she find great gold in turning her own. Their story serves as inspiration for others to open their heart and home into the lives of animals in need, showing us that sometimes all it takes is a little bravery and kindness for something beautiful to grow out of anything.



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