Pet Care

This small Chihuahua who sings from the heart with a beautiful voice


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A Heartfelt Performance by a Small Chihuahua

And this Chihuahua has musicality. Sweet lord, all the heart eyes at her!? This little dog has become the darling of radio, with a beautiful sining voice and so much emotion.

The Star of the Show

Weighing only a few pounds, this tiny Chihuahua doesn't seem like the obvious choice for an entertainer but what he lacks in size, he totally makes up with his loud voice. Then out of nowhere comes a great harmony, singing right along with him… not just barks…but real live music….I think some human singers might be jealous! Not only because he looked so cute, but also his high pitch voice that sounds amazing made him adorable to audience cross the globe.

The Joy of Music

This little singer is so special, not only because of this talent but how he shines with joy during his performances. Every note struck seems to be made with tenderness and he definitely sings his little heart out, this Chihuahua. You just cannot resist smiling while watching him convey his emotions with each & every song he sings; it makes feel the entertainment very engaging and emotional

Viral Sensation

Starring in numerous videos that have gone viral online, this impressive Chihuahua has been viewed by millions across the world thanks to social media. His charisma brings people from all walks of life to the screen watching in awe and responding with comments, shares expressing how much they love his acting. The power of a cutie dog with lot´s voice is unlimited, and it continues rise.

A Message of Love

Aside from the comic value, the singing Chihuahua here makes a point about music being a language that is understood by everyone. It transcends age, blackground and brings people together all thanks to a little dog good at one thing. His tale of inspiration is a great reminder to value our own seemingly little gifts and pass them on.


This tiny chihuahua went on to show that talent comes in all shapes and sizes, proving to be an unexpected star. Not only has he entertained thousands with his amazing voice and sincere performances, but Joe Vecchio also is now an inspiring individual as well. As we still walk alongside him in his journey, maybe you'll turn a page from his book and learn to embrace your quirks while doing what makes you feel alive. Well, the next time you hear a cute melody … just think that even some of the smallest can make such big impact in this world.



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