Pet Care

How Long Can You Leave a Dog Alone?


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How Long Can A Dog Be Left Alone?

For a lot of pet owners, leaving their dog by themselves can be quite the worry. No matter if you have to leave for work or run some errands, it is crucial that you know how much time your pet dog can spend on its own and feel relaxed.

Know What Your Dog Needs

All dogs are different, and the duration for which they can be left alone depends on several factors — one such factor being their age. For example, puppies often have more energy and cannot be alone for long. A good rule of thumb is the “one hour per month of age” to be left with your puppy. A two-month-old can stay home for about the same amount of time that they are months old until it is around six hours at 6 mo.

What Leads To Alone Time


  1. Age: Younger dogs usually require more socialisation than older ones who have gotten used to being alone
  2. Breed: Some breeds are naturally social and may find being alone difficult, while others might need a little space.
  3. Personality: Dogs are just like humans, they have individual personalities. While some will adjust to it with relative ease, there are those who may not take so well at being left alone.

Perfect Solo Time For Unique Dogs


  • Puppies: Pups, as stated earlier can be very social and have a small bladder so they need at least 2walks per day but should never rely on walk for their toilet break (just short durations)
  • Adult Dogs: Most adult dogs can be left alone for 4-6 hours. Provide enough mental and physical stimulation for them at this age.
  • Grown Old Dogs: Senior pets will have nuanced needs and might need more frequent bathroom breaks. 4-6, but like adult dogs, they may just need some comfort/care.

Leave Training your Dog

However, there are a few things that you can do to help make your dog more comfortable when they need to be alone.

  • Create a Safe Area: Make an inviting spot where your dog feels comfortable. For some, this may be their warm cozy bed in a silent room.
  • Keep Them Entertained: Put out brain-stimulating toys, like old-fashioned Kongs. Encourage them to chew or use puzzle feeders.
  • Create Routine: Dogs are creatures of habit. When you exit and when your return is a great way to let the dog know what they can expect, so create a ritual for leaving each time.

Signs of Separation Anxiety

It's vital to recognize signs of stress in your dog, which may include:

  • Excessive barking or howling
  • Home destruction (chewing furniture etc.)
  • Change in bowel or bladder habits
  • Attempts to escape

If you see these types of behaviors with your pet, it is recommended that the dog being left alone for that much time be reassessed or to talk to a vetelenarian and/or professional Dog-trainer.


How Long Can You Leave Your Dog Alone? While adults are generally fine on their own for 4-6 hours, puppies and seniors may need a bit more support. By making the right preparations and listening to your pet's particular expressions, you can guarantee that it seems as if they are in a home away from home on their own.



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