Pet Care

The Ultimate List: 7 Must-Have Supplies for Rabbits


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Top 7 Basic Equipment Your Rabbits Need

Rabbit care is an enjoyable experience, but you will need to have the proper supplies on hand to give them what they need. If you've been living and raising bunnies for years or have only recently thought about getting a pet rabbit, it's critical to have the right items. Keep reading to learn seven essential items every bunny parent needs in their supplies arsenal.

1. Spacious Cage or Enclosure

Providing your rabbit with a comfortable and roomy environment is a must. Find a cage or enclosure that will let your pet roam and give him room to move around, stretch out, and explore. Theoretically, the pen should be at least four times as big as your adult rabbit's elongation, giving loads of room to go and play.

2. Quality Bedding

Believe it or not, Bedding material is essential for the comfort and hygiene of your rabbit. Select safe, absorbent and soft bedding products (e.g., paper-based or hay) Be careful with cedar or pine shavings, as these can be bad for a rabbit's health

3. Fresh Hay

Hay should take the form of a staple diet in any rabbit's repertoire and it should be included as part of their main source material. A good quality hay, like Timothy or Orchard Grass is critical to a healthy digestive system and dental health. Keep a fresh batch on hand.

4. Nutritious Pellets

Hay is crucial, but rabbits also need a proper diet that includes good-quality commercial pellets. Find no-calcium/low calcium high fiber rabbits pellets. It makes sure that your bun gets all the nutrients they need without becoming obese.

5. Fresh Vegetables

Rabbits should also be fed fresh vegetables as part of a well balanced diet along with hay and pellets. You could use some washed/dried, leafy greens like romaine, kale or cilantro. Wash veggies always carefully, and introduce new types slowly so as to prevent tummy troubles.

6. Water Bottle or Bowl

Some of the most basic components to rabbit health is proper hydration. Change and provide fresh water daily either in a heavy ceramic bowl or a sturdy pint bottle. Provide easy access to the rabbit's water source and promote regular drinking by your bunny.

7. Chew Toys

However, rabbits have teeth that continue to grow and therefore need a correct item in order to abuse them well as not being able for the parts of your animal. Hard wooden chew toys, hay cubes or all kinds and shapes of untreated wicker baskets can bring hours of fun to rabbit.


Part of laying the foundation to nurture a loving and caring environment for your rabbit is having the right supplies on hand. Every item on this list is essential to providing for their wellbeing and contentment. Proper care and attention will enable your furry friends to live happily at their homes while simultaneously providing happiness in abundance for you.



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