Here Are 5 Signs Your Dog Might Be Pregnant
It is important to know how your dog acts and looks so that when you think she might be pregnant, you can monitor any signs of unusual behavior or health. Learning to recognize the signs of pregnancy can help you better support her during this important period. Below are a Number Of to suggest your pet might be pregnant
1. Changes in Appetite
Here are some of the earliest dog pregnancy signs: A Decrease in Appetite You may also observe changes in her eating behavior; that she is hungrier or less interested in the meal she have everyday. In some dogs, morning sickness can occur early in pregnancy and may cause food intake to sharply decrease for a short period of time.
2. Behavioral Shifts
Pregnant dogs may exhibit behavioral change. While some may turn toward people for more cuddles and companionship, there will be others who simply want to start nesting again. Care out for behaviour changes in your dog; this indicators her pregnancy has it began.
3. Physical Changes
If you notice any physical alterations that occur in your dog throughout her pregnancy. Her nipples may be larger or darker, and the area around the nipple (the areola) may become more prominent. In addition, some dogs also start to put on weight or get a little chubby with the progress of pregnancy.
4. Nesting Instincts
A pregnant or about to be a mother dog will have the primal instinct to nest. Or, she may be nest-building in your home – like carrying blankets to the place where her pups might arrive. If you do come near her, she may become more aggressive in expressing this hesitance/ferocity as the time for delivery approaches.
5. Morning Sickness
Just like among humans, morning sickness related to hormonal changes in early pregnancy is common. She might become lethargic or start vomiting and retching during her first week of pregnancy. Call a vet if predisposing symptoms continue.
Knowing how to spot a dog pregnancy is important for giving her the right care during his gestation period If you think your dog is pregnant, she should visit the vet to confirm suspicions and be guided on caring for her health as well as that of future puppies.