Pet Care

11 Tricks You Can Teach a Senior Dog


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11 Fun Tricks to Teach Your Senior Dog

While it is certainly true that you cannot teach can old dog new tricks, trying to do so might surprise and delight animal caregivers. Dogs are never too old to learn and can be physically and mentally enriched with new tasks. If you want to teach your new, old dog some fun tricks or train an older puppy here are 11 engaging and easy things for him/her (or even them) to learn.

1. Sit

This is a good basic command to teach any dog Ragardless if they are as puppy or seniors. Treat them when they sit!, then treat again with a tasty snack

2. Down

After your dog is already a master of "sit" you can train them to lay down. While not only is this a handy trick, it will also help them calm their arousal state when they are having some down-time.

3. Shake Hands

This little trick can impress your friends. Start by commanding your dog to sit, and gently lift the paw of their hand with yours, rewarding them when they place it on you.

4. Roll Over

This may take a little more patience, but that is okay; many senior dogs can still be trained to roll over. Start by having them lay down and then lure them to a sit using a treat.

5. Speak

One way to add some excitement is by training your dog to bark on cue. Reward them with positive reinforcement for their natural barking and associate the command "speak" with that bark.

6. Play Dead

This trick can also be amusing and a proof of the level your dog is trained to. When you got him to lie down, roll your dog over while saying "bang!" and paying them just to keep sitting in that chair.

7. Spin

Use the treats to direct your aged dog by spinning. Give the spin command and use a treat to lure your dog in a circular motion over their nose till they comply, then reward them.

8. Fetch

Older dogs can partake in a modified version of fetch too. Give them a soft toy and throw it not so far, ask for the return It's an excellent way to get them active!

9. Stay

This command encourages self-control. Have your dog sit, back a few steps away (use the command “stay” ) Offer rewards for staying in position

10. Targeting

One step on and off, teach your dog to touch their nose to the palm of your hand. As a person grows older, this trick is useful since it mitigates the need for much physical exertion on their part and encourages them to participate easily.

11. High Five

Your dog may catch on to this one pretty quickly, and it can be a fun interactive trick. Tell them to sit, then use a treat above their head as bait and praise/reward when they slap you with the other paw.


Your senior dog can be taught tricks no matter how old they are, and because of the mental stimulation involved in learning this is great for any age. That being said, use positive reinforcement always and celebrate the little victories — patience is key. These tricks not only entertain but keep your senior dog moving and stimulate his brain. Happy training!



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